Ervaringsvraagstukken is a platform where people in the Netherlands can share their experiences with certain difficulties in their lives. For instance being in debt or a gambling addiction. Because people tell their story other people can learn from others. That can be in a practical way, but also just the sense that you’re not the only one facing these issues.
The platform should be a warm place for people to come and read and share about experiences, without being too confronting and invasive. Not all people share under their real name and the shared content is selected by moderators. People sharing on the platform are not portraited with a pho- to, but rather by illustrations.
The word Ervaringsvraagstukken is a combined word from the words “Ervaring” and “Vraagstukken” and therefore the word can be abbreviated to “EV”. I used a heart kind of share to represent these letters and in such a way express the warmness of the platform and the people running it. It’s having a heart for others, but also for yourself.
For this project we did the branding, brand design, art-direction, ux/ui design, as well as the software development. The website has a backend based on WordPress and a frontend based un Vue.js.